Spring 2019 Update


image of Bill Addiss in airportTravel and growth are the keywords this season for Amherst Financial Training. AFT programs have spread throughout the country and abroad in 2018 with successful results.
Some of the places on the US map have been: Los Angeles, Chicago, Manhattan, Buffalo, DC, San Francisco, Denver and Huntington Beach. AFT crossed the grid into London, England and Paris, France instructing universities and corporations.

Link: View program videos online


US Fixed Income Markets

Euromoney website captureWilliam Addiss of Amherst Financial Training will be the featured, expert speaker at a 3 day event in NYC for EUROMONEY: Understand the US Fixed Income Market with this three day overview. This 3 day program is designed at an intermediate level. It is specifically designed to better acquaint the participants with a more in-depth understanding of the US Bond Market. Specific attention is paid to using current, real examples to illustrate the major learning points, as well as demystifying the jargon, terminology and “lingo” so unique to this product area.

Link: View and Download Course Brochure Online


training and development with gearsMany of the training programs delivered this summer were complemented nicely by “The Investor Guidebook Series.” This 3 book series was published in 2015 and authored by Stuart Veale and edited by William Addiss of Amherst Financial Training.
William Addiss, editor of the Investor Guidebook Series, now provides exclusive discounted access to his clients and subscribers. “The Investor Guidebook Series” are now available directly to AF Training clients and associates at $12/each + free shipping. Promo code SPECIAL12 is required for insider pricing.

“The Investor Guidebook Series” is a set of books, comprehensive and introductory in nature, exploring the Fixed Income, Equity and Derivatives markets respectively.

Link: Buy Online for $12/each with promo code SPECIAL12

Featured Affiliate: EUROMONEY

William Addiss will be the featured expert at an event hosted by EUROMONEY in June, 2019. One of the top, most trusted and charismatic financial publications available: Euromoney provides up to date in-depth coverage of key market developments.

Click link to view more about this edition’s Featured Affiliate.